Baby / Child life saving skills at your home

We offer Baby / Child First Aid for Mums and Dads! Here's Becky and Nicky's group brushing up on their life saving skills :) If you'd like to host a 2.5 hour course for your family and friends at your home / venue in Sussex and surrounding area or ours in Haywards Heath, drop us a line. We'll cover everything you need, cpr, choking, bleeds, head injuries, seizure, fractures, anaphylaxis and much more. Lots of demonstrations and hands on practice if you wish. A fun, relaxed environment, babies welcome. Days, evenings and weekends, £20 per person, minumum of 3. Lots of reviews on our page below, please like and share. Thank you!

To book, call or text 07796 154 723 / 01444 414332 or email